At Advance for Life Christian Academy High School we are. very proud to be part of the IEBB family. IEB stands for Independent Examinations Board, this is a private assessment board that offers examination services to private schools. They are accredited by Umalasi to offer school assessments. Following the IEB. Curriculum means that learners will be much better equip to deal with the workload of University studies and students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Grade 8-9
Grade 10-12
In Grade 9 each student will make the very important decision on what subjects they will do from Grade 10 through to Grade 12.
It is compulsory that all learners will have to do English (Home Language) as the language of instruction, Life Orientation which includes Physical Education and Biblical Studies.
The choice of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh subjects are made by the learners and they must choosing ONE subject from each of the FIVE groupings below:
Set 1 (additional language): IsiXhosa (additional language) OR Afrikaans (additional language)
Second Set (mathematics): Mathematical Literacy or Mathematics
Set 3:
Business OR Life Sciences OR History -
Set 4:
Consumer Studies OR Economics OR Geography -
Set 5:
Accounting OR Physical Science OR Tourism
Please Note: In order for students to take Mathematics they must obtain above 50% for maths in both grade 8 and 9.
Physical Science may only be taken if you do Mathematics.
The following subjects are taught in Grade 8 – Grade 9:
Afrikaans or IsiXhosa
Natural Sciences (Physical Science and Life Science) (NS)
Social Sciences (History and Geography) (SS)
Life Orientation (LO)
Economic Management Science (EMS)
Creative Arts
Bible Studies